During pregnancy, huge changes take place in your body to nourish your baby which can lead to a deficiency of many nutrients of yours. It is thought that morning sickness may be indicative of marginal nutritional deficiency in vitamins and minerals.[1]
Diet and nutrition [1]
Most women tolerate better with bland taste i.e rice, baked potatoes, pasta, dry toast, porridge etc.
'Little and Often' rule: snacking fruits, and seeds every 2 hours (avoid empty stomach)
Separate drinks from your main meal
Much worse if you choose to eat nothing rather than the ‘wrong’ thing so having a chocolate bar is ok if you can't eat your 'healthier' snacks.
Ginger tablet 1000mg daily may help:[2] you can buy major chemist or supermarket
Ginger can be in cooking or in drinks, teas, or biscuits
Ginger is also rich in zinc, which is a vital mineral for tissue growth for you & baby.
Drink plenty of water but avoid tea/coffee (diuretic effects)
Always eat breakfast containing some protein i.e eggs (thoroughly cooked), yogurt
Things to avoid if feeling sick [1]
Greasy and fried foods
Cooking: some women cannot tolerate the smell of cooking but ok to eat if cooked for them
Coffee, caffeinated beverages including coke, tea
Routine iron tablet: some iron tablets can cause nausea, constipation
Brushing teeth: can often be problematic for some so wait until nausea is settled.
Avoid concentrated sugar (i.e some dried fruits, concentrated fruit juice)
Avoid strong smelling food, high fat junk food, anything containing preservatives/ additives

General advice
Rest as much as possible
Get out and take plenty of fresh air
West Z., Maciocia G.(2001) Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Churchill Livingstone.
Ozgoli G., Goli, M., Simbar, M.(2009) Effects of ginger capsules on pregnancy, nausea, and vomiting. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15(3): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19250006/
Harvard School of Public Health (2023) The Nutrient source: Vitamin B6; [reviewed 2023 Oct 18]. Available from: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-b6/
Image [Internet]. Vitamin B6 Benefits: Foods To Eat To Prevent Deficiency; [cited 2023 Oct 18]. Available from: https://www.onlymyhealth.com/vitamin-b6-rich-food-benefits-expert-tips-1635526377
Image [Internet]. Is Nausea After Eating an Early Sign of Pregnancy?; [cited 2023 Oct 18]. Available from: https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/your-health/nausea-after-eating-early-sign-of-pregnancy/